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Research Initiatives under Plan Head

Sl No Name of Centre Name of Project Collaboration Remarks Publication
1 Nodal center for Robotics and AI (NCRAI), Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur Design Development and Testing of of Self driving Vehicle Toyota Technological Institute, Japan (TTI) 7 training programs, 12 UG/PG projects completed. Book chapter PSIVT 2019 International Workshops Sydney, NSW, Australia, November 18–22, 2019. Revised Selected Papers SO-Net Joint Semantic Segmentation and Obstacle Detection Using Deep Fusion of Monocular Camera and Radar. Pg 138-144 V. John, M. K. Nithilan, S. Mita, H. Tehrani, R. S. Sudheesh, and P. P. Lalu Published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2 Nodal center for Robotics and AI (NCRAI), Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur Design and Development of AI based Pine apple Harvestor Agricultural university Mannuthi , Kelapaji college of engineering Tavanur Kerala ""rrr 6 papers in international conferences
3 Nodal center for Robotics and AI (NCRAI), Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur Design and Development of AI based Pepper Harvestor Agricultural university Mannuthi , Kelapaji college of engineering Tavanur Kerala 7 training programs, 12 UG/PG projects completed.
4 Nodal center for Robotics and AI (NCRAI), Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur Development of automated inspection and sorting system for Thermistor manufacturing Sowparnika thermistors and Hybrids Pvt. Ltd, Thrissur 7 training programs, 12 UG/PG projects completed.
5 Bamboo Research Centre, Govt. Engineering College, Barton Hill 1. Analysis and Realisation of wind Turbine using Bamboo Blades 2. Bamboo Grid for Soil Reinforcement 3. Assessment of behaviour of bamboo as a Truss member 4. Scope and Limitations of Bamboo as a Construction Material 5. Bamboo composites for the development of vehicles 6. Mechanised Bamboo treatment methods 7. Studies on the mechanical properties of various species of Bamboo KFRI, JNTBGRI, Bamboo Pecker Published papers for the projects numbered for 1,2 & 3 in journals. Project 5 received national and international (first time in India) for the sustainable concept. Project 4 various models constructed in the campus as well as outside • Dr.Raji M, Nayana Sam, Shilpa Mary Sam, Anadhu Krishnan P K, Abdullah Faizy S, “Comparison of Tension Member of a Bamboo Truss with standard Tensile Strength of Test Specimen”, Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Project management, Volume 2, Issue 3 pp 1-8. • Dr.Raji M & Malavika M, “Load Settlement behaviour of Loose granular soil fill with rubber noded Bamboo grid”, Journal of geotechnical Engineering, ISSN 2394-1987, volume 7, issue 3, PP 24-30
6 Bamboo Research Centre, Govt. Engineering College, Barton Hill 8. Design and Development of bamboo composite fairing with Solar panels for recumbent bicycle. 9. Mechanical Properties of Bamboo reinforecd Slab. 10. Development of polymer composites based on Bamboo Fibre
7 Student Satellite Project, College of Engineering Trivandrum Student Satellite Project IST Trivandrum, ISRO The project aims to predict the lightning patterns of the subcontinent by analysing the terrestrial gamma ray flahses. Once successfully demonstrated, the prototype the industry can develop satellite based on the demonstraed technology Design and Performance Validation of CETSAT Sensor Module Fabricated Using COTS for Low Earth Orbit Application , Vaishnav et al, 2nd National Conference on Small Satellite Systems Technology and Applications – 2020
8 Transport Research Centre, College of Engineering Trivandrum Waste-Glass Powder as a Partial Substitute for Cement in the Sustainable Construction of Pavement Blocks, White topping and Bridge Piers Nil Ph.D. work ongoing; Title: Waste- Glass Powder as a Partial Substitute for Cement in the Sustainable Construction of Pavement Blocks, White topping and Bridge Piers A study on mechanical and durability properties of glass powder concrete has been submitted to a journal that is under review.
9 Transport Research Centre,College of Engineering Trivandrum Effect of rural highway geometry on vehicle stability and safety at horizontal cuves Nil Identification of critical loading condition on truck based on rollover. Identification of geometric factors influencing vehicle rollover stability. Recommendation of permissible values of geometrics
10 Transport Research Centre, College of Engineering Trivandrum Application of Vetiver Grass Technology in Climate Resilient Slope Protection For the Roads of Kerala LSGD Reivew literature paper ready for submision
11 Rural Technology Development Centre, Govt College of Engineering Kannur Environmental monitoring using end-to-end secure low power wireless communication Developed a novel airpollution monitorinmg system which can be extended to the pollution monitring around GCEK campus 1 PG projec 2 papers in conference
12 Rural Technology Development Centre,Govt College of Engineering Kannur Wild elephant detection and repellent system Forest department is ready to take up the technology. 1 UG project completed
13 Rural Technology Development Centre Solar powered DC homes for rural areas Technology can be translated to the field if largerfunding is made available . 1 PG project completed
14 Rural Technology Development Centre, Govt College of Engineering Kannur Design and development of a low cost noise barrier for power looms "DST project sanctioned. 1 PG project completed. The research on design and development of low-cost noise enclosuresis achieved Paper published
15 Rural Technology Development Centre, Govt College of Engineering Kannur Automation of high-density fish breeding Exptected colloboration with CMFRI and implementation in more fish ponds
16 Rural Technology Development Centre, Govt College of Engineering Kannur Paddy cleaning and packing 1 PG project 1 conference paper at RUTAG.
17 Rural Technology Development Centre, Govt College of Engineering Kannur Biochar charging for waste management and fertilizer application Solid waste management practices based on cost effective and sustainable methods have always been pivotal in rural development. Almost all the existing Increasing organic solid waste if led to practices involves either unsystematic methods or complicated techniques inapproachable to common man. A low cost and technicaaly sound method will be developed
18 Centre of Excellence in Systems Energy and Environment, Govt College of Engineering Kannur Baseline Assessment for Carbon Neutral Mankulam Haritha Kerala Mission, MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, UNDP India "Awareness and briefing of carbon neutrality to members of the grama panchayat and the people in general - 2 Nos of programs conducted. Guidelines to be formulated for a society to become carbon neutral. Such a general guideline is not available as of now for a panchayat level. This is expected to be a global benchmarking process where the centre is spearheading the technology and assessment guidelines The key interventions related to research activities undertaken by CESEE : 1.Carbon Neutral Meenengadi, Wayanad - The centre has played an active role in the technical interventions at Meenangadi which is marching towards the goal of becoming the first carbon neutral panchayat in India. This interventions were in the form of being a nodal centre to coordinate the technical activities related to carbon sequestration, measurements and guidelines. Centre was able to rope in many premier institutes of the country like IISc Bangalore, IIT Delhi, MSSRF, TNAU and other institutes across the world like TU Delft, Netherlands, Groningen University Netherlands, etc 2. Recognising the efforts of CESEE towards carbon neutrality programme, UNDP has sanctioned a funding of Rs 27 lakhs for the project titled Carbon Neutral Mankulam. The work for the funded project is under progress. 3. As a follow up in the carbon neutral initiatives of the centre, we are currently acting as an advisory group for the Carbon Neutral Kozhikode programme. 4. Energy efficient cook stove evaluation project which was developed by IISc Bangalore by Prof. N S Mukunda. The thermal studies related to the performance of the stoves were taken up by the centre 5. Vibration studies related to acoustics at power looms in Nadal, Kannur 6. Rain water acoustics and vibrations on steel roofs. 7. Fuel cell studies in solid oxide fuel cells 8. Gasifier studies 9. Microgrid with hybrid energy inputs 10. Biochar characterization studies